Our subject for this week's blog post is library associate Kathy Petras. After 34 years of service at MCDL, Kathy will be starting retirement on July 1st. Here's a look back at some of the highlights of her career and what's in store for her next!
Lauren: You're not a native of Medina County, but throughout your career you've become an expert on Medina County history. What is the most interesting story you've discovered while researching our community's history?
Kathy: There are so many very interesting stories about Medina County. The circus connection to Medina County was surprising, that some circuses would winter here. The same was true of Peru, Indiana, where I worked at the Historical Society for a year. And Chippewa Lake’s huge popularity back in the 40’s and 50’s – that it brought in big name entertainers and was a favorite spot for some members of the MAFIA. Didn’t expect that!
Lauren: In your career at MCDL, you've witnessed major changes in the technology offered at the library, from the early days of computers and internet, to the creation of the Digital Lab and Makerspace. What tips do you suggest to anyone who's little nervous about getting started with technology?
Kathy: Ask for help. MCDL offers classes on all sorts of technology and LinkedIn Learning offers online tutorials. If none of those resources are helpful, try asking one of the very friendly staff at our Reference Desks. They do incredible jobs of making technology accessible.
Lauren: What resource(s) do you consider a "hidden gem" of the local/family history collection?
Kathy: The “hidden gem” of any good library is their staff. If they don’t know the answer immediately, if it is findable, they know where to find it.
Lauren: You started an earlier version of the MCDL Genealogy Blog 14 years ago. Which blog post has been the most fun to write?
Kathy: Oh, that is like asking which is your favorite child!?!… I had fun learning & writing about Green Goose Club because of its unusual nature. But almost any one of the blogs where I was learning as much as the reader. Like the tank testing site in Hinckley or Eugene Bosnavitz (WWII casualty).
Lauren: What will you miss the most about working at MCDL?
Kathy: The people. The staff and the members. They are friends.
Lauren: What are your plans for retirement?
Kathy: I am going to take the time to do nothing, at least for a while. I am already volunteering at the Medina County Historical Society. And when I am ready, I plan to take classes on yoga, Mahjong, brush up on my Spanish or learn a new language and finish (Hah!) researching my own family history. Oh, and I will travel a bit every year.
A few additional notes from Kathy on her career:
- When I started in 1988, MCDL had just passed its first levy. Dozens of people were hired in the next year. To the best of my knowledge, I am the last of those “new hires”
- The catalog was truly a “card catalog” with 3” X 5” cards that were filed by author, title and subject. Each book would have multiple cards. Within two years we had joined the CLEVNET Consortia and all the books had to be hand entered into the computer.
- I was hired by Beverly Cain who went on to serve as the State Librarian of Ohio for ten years.
- One of my big accomplishments was to have Cyndi (Howell) Ingle of Cyndi’s List fame come to Medina for an all-day program. There were nearly 250 attendees from all over.
- After 32 years at the Medina Reference Desk, I transferred to the Virginia Wheeler Martin Family History & Learning Center in March of 2020.