Sunday, August 29, 2021

Get to Know Your Local Historical Societies

  Medina County Genealogical Society

Medina County is fortunate to have many societies dedicated to preserving our local history.  For the second blog post in this series, we’re featuring the Medina County Genealogical Society.  MCGS president Pat Morgan kindly answered our questions about the society. 

If you are interested in genealogy, below are some details about how to get involved with MCGS and the benefits from joining!

MCDL Librarian: Tell us a little bit about yourself...  How long have you worked with the Medina County Genealogical Society?  What sparked your interest in family history? 

MCGS Pat Morgan: I have been a member for 15 years.  I currently serve as President. I have always been interested in my family history. My maternal grandmother prepared a history of her father’s family and she gave me a copy shortly before I got married. It now appears I am the only family member who kept their copy. I was intrigued that while she had much information about her father’s family, she did not have a name for her great-great grandmother who came with her husband, ten children (the youngest was 2) plus a future son-in-law and a nephew from Germany in 1837. I wanted that woman to have a name so that is what got me serious about genealogy. (I have since learned that her name was Charlotte.)

MCDL Librarian: How does someone go about joining the society?  What benefits do society members receive?  

MCGS Pat Morgan: Membership forms are available on our website:  You can download the form and mail it to Medina County Genealogical Society, P.O. BOX 804 Medina,Ohio 44256. Our membership year runs from January to December and we offer several different memberships.  

MCDL Librarian: Do you have upcoming programs?  Where/when does the society meet?  Do people have to be members to attend programs? 

MCGS Pat Morgan: Pre-COVID-19 we held our meetings on the second Sunday of the month from September to April at the Main Library. The library is closed on Sundays starting in May so we altered our schedule to the second Saturday of the month. At the present time we have been holding our meetings via Zoom. We hope to be able to resume in-person meetings on 12 September 2021 at 2PM at the Main Library. Our in-person meetings are open to the public and there is no charge. We have programs on a variety of genealogy related topics and also offer at least two help sessions per year.

MCDL Librarian: If an individual needs help with research – or if they live too far away from Medina County to conduct research themselves – how can they get assistance from the society?

MCGS Pat Morgan: If you need research help and are a member of the chapter you can send your query to There is no charge for members but we do ask that you cover the cost of printing and postage if you need hard copies.  We also appreciate donations. Information about costs to non-members can be found on our website in the Research Policy section.

MCDL Librarian: Lineage societies are a great way to honor one's ancestors.  What lineage societies does MCGS offer and how can someone join them?

MCGS Pat Morgan: We offer three lineage societies as a way to honor your Medina County ancestors.  First Families of Medina County honors ancestors who lived in present day Medina County by 31 December 1850.  Settlers and Builders honors ancestors who lived in present day Medina County from 1 January 1851 to 31 December 1880. Century Families of Medina County honors ancestors who lived in present day Medina County from 1 January 1881 to 100 years prior to the current year. Applications for each lineage group plus instructions can be found on our website in the Lineage Society section. For questions contact

MCDL Librarian: Is there anything else you'd like everyone to know about the MCGS at this time? 

MCGS Pat Morgan: One of the best benefits of membership in the Genealogy Society is meeting people who totally understand and share your love of finding your ancestors and making sure their stories are not forgotten. You do not have to have ancestors that lived in Medina County to join our society.  Whether you are just beginning your research or are a veteran of searching cemeteries and dark corners in old court houses we welcome the chance to share successes and the occasional research roadblock with you. For questions or more information our email is

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